Little Angel on iBooks
Little Angel is a picture book by Dutch Author Paul Rooyackers and illustrator Stefan de Groot. It is a story about an angel that is looking for its mother. Little Angel descends from the sky and finds his mother.

Little Angel eBook on iBooks

How do you know where to belong?
Where you want to be born
Little Angel knows that
Mother and father choose to have a child
But each Little Angel finds its own parents

Little Angel illustration

Little Angel is now available on iBooks. The eBook is build up in two Chapters.

Chapter 1: Little Angel Story
Little Angel picture book for iBooks story
Little Angel tells the story of Little Angel that looks for its mother. Little Angel descends to earth and finds its mother. How are children born and how do you explain that to young children? Author Paul Rooyackers tells the story in a metaphorical way. The story is illustrated with subtle paintings by the Dutch illustrator Stefan de Groot. When you have a child and a new child is on its way, this book will help to tell your child what is happening.

Chapter 2: Little Angel Movie
Little Angel picture book iBooks Movie

The eBook includes the movie adaptation of the story by animator Stefan de Groot. The movie is narrated by the British voice J.C. Chapman. The Dutch composer Yves Vroemen composed the song ” Lullaby for Little Angel’ especially for this movie.

Requirements: To view this book, you must have an iPad with iBooks 3 or later and iOS 5.1 or later, or a Mac with iBooks 1.0 or later and OS X 10.9 or later.